Last week we had another WISC done on our DS7. The first was done a few weeks before he turned six. The WJ III was also done.

Looking at his abilities now that I've had them "officially" confirmed for a second time, I see things more clearly. I had great difficulty comprehending Ruf's suggestion that a PG kid could cover elementary school in one year. Yet, as I look at ds and then look at what's expected at the end of fifth and sixth grades, I think it's possible that I have one of these children on my hands. He just seems to know it all without much effort. The exception is math. I've never pushed him beyond grade level, and I really don't see him as gifted in that area, yet he really doesn't have too much trouble with anything in math.

I would like to know of any potential problems with, or benefits to, skipping two or three grades at once in a homeschool situation. I'm thinking more along the lines of tests (EXPLORE, for instance). How about sports? They usually base that on age, right? I have no problem with saying he's in 2nd grade, but teaching on a fourth or fifth grade level. I just don't want to start down this grade-skipping road and find out that we have somehow messed things up.

I guess that'll do it for now. Thanks so much.