Hi there,

I have really joined your forum to ask one question - although I will explain the background to it a little first.

My daughter is 7 years old - we are in the UK, so she is in Year 2 at school. I have been told all the way through school so far (3 different teachers before this year's teacher)that dd is exceptionally able academically, and I would say all the teachers so far have been very positive about her thirst for learning and the way she seeks out learning opportunities for herself. We don't have any "test" results to corroborate a high iq, so I don't know if she is gifted as such, but she is clearly an intelligent child.

However, this year her teacher, whilst agreeing that my daughter is very able, constantly complains that Eleanor makes "careless" mistakes - for example missing out capital letters and full stops, whilst having speech marks and more complex grammar correct in her work, or spelling simple words which she DOES know incorrectly. She also said to me today that she gets the feeling that my daughter would be happiest if she were allowed to be in charge of the whole class, rather than the teacher....

Anyway, my gut instinct is that Eleanor is not being challenged at school, and that she makes silly mistakes because she is bored and rushing through the "tedious" stuff. But then, maybe I am just making excuses for her.... I really just wanted to ask - is this common with bright children? To make silly mistakes in simple work?

Thanks for reading,
