Hi, all!

DS was tested on WISC-IV at age 9 yr 8 mo. Scores are below. What do you read in the tea leaves? How do the "extra" subtests fit into the scoring and into the big picture?

VCI - 136 (99%ile)
SIM 17
VOC 16
COM 15
INF (15)

PRI - 133 (99%ile)
BD 17
PC 14
MR 15
PComp (17)

WMI - 123 (94%ile)
DS 15
LNS 13
AR (16)

PSI - 126 (96%ile)
CO 11
SS 18

FSIQ 138 (99%ile)

He also took the Conners Continuous Performance Test, which showed him at 97%ile for ADHD-Impulsive Type. The psych also noted that the boy is very anxious and very sensitive, and the anxiety causes impulsive responses, which in turn make him more anxious, etc.
