We just got DS-now-7 Super Scribblenauts for his birthday yesterday. He loves it, but the best part is that his spelling is already improving! He is not one of those kids who could just always spell. In this game, you write whatever character you want to appear, and you can add as many adjectives as you want, and voila. It's pretty cool. It gives you hints if you're spelling is a little off. And the keyboard you write with is the standard QWERTY board. Yay!

ETA: Magic, flying, poisonous ghost tank is his latest creation. It flies.... (A weird thing - he also created a god character. Sometimes I wonder about this kid. As DH said, after he saw some of the titles of the games DS created (such as "Guy slays Mom", "Guy slays Dad,", etc...): "I think you will probably offend everyone with this game.")

Last edited by st pauli girl; 01/15/11 08:09 AM.