Originally Posted by Deonne
But, in thinking about the last year and half, I have had some very desparate feeling moments where I just think OMG these people have no idea what my kid needs (and even if they do in some cases they don't want to do it).
I feel like my DS's 2nd grade teacher, but I have to say it "More Details" - what happened that made your feel desperate? What happened that made your think 'OMG'? What have you seen your kid do that makes you think that the folks have no idea what he needs?

Start a journal, with a timeline, document a bit more than you think you need to.

Start up a new thread in 'Advocacy' and start telling your story. What did you notice, what did you try, what worked? what didn't?

Each of these kids has really individual needs - close observation tells more than IQ numbers can. The numbers back you up, but the detail point towards a solution.

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com