We live northwest of Atlanta but went to a recommended COVD in Charlotte yesterday to check my DS5's vision tracking, etc. He does have tracking issues; but his big issue turned out to be the need for an occupational therapist for major core issues. Her prescription included exercises in:
- Bilateral, symmetrical / reciprocal movements
- Integrate primitive refelxes
- Body Schema

She told me to read "Thinking Goes to School: Piaget's Theory in Practice" by Furth and Wachs. All of this makes sense to me.

He wasn't able to walk pigeon-toed, skip, march crossing right-hand to left-knee and visa versa, lift right-arm and left-leg without lifting the left arm as well...and a number of other things. She said that he had no realization of or ability to use his core. And I agree somewhat. So I am looking for an OT who can accomplish this here in the Atlanta area - someone who won't make him sit on a swing first. He can swim a lap in the pool both freestyle and backstroke, and shoot a basketball in a hoop; so he's not completely un-athletic. It does hold him back socially, as he won't/can't climb where other kids do or move as fast on playground equipment. He knows how to do things; he just can't get his body to do what he wants most of the time. He does run extremely fast though.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.
p.s. The drive to Charlotte is about 4 hours; even though they provide OT services there. Too long for twice a month therapy.

Thank you in advance!

Mom to DS6