Dd12 has never been the most organized person but it really has never caught up with her b/c she has a fantastic memory and can do A work in really short time if she procrastinates. We had big issues with procrastination in 4th grade. I recall her writing an essay in the car on the way to school and getting an A+ on it. I believe that they had had a week or maybe even a few weeks to do it and she didn't mention anything about it until the morning it was due (and the morning she wrote the entire thing).

That issue got quite a bit better in 6th grade (after skipping 5th) b/c she had to work harder in some subjects and the quantity of work increased significantly. At the start of this year (8th) she had some issues due to teacher disorganization and other teaching issues, but those seem to have worked out. Her math teacher is apparently teaching more or dd is just getting the material fine w/out my help and her lit class hasn't been as big of an issue with the nebulous deadlines.

However, dd is really not managing her time well IMHO. I really don't help her with her work and usually don't know what she has due unless she mentions a big project like one she had for science recently. She kept putting it off and putting it off and I spent much more time that I would like to repeat asking her "have you done ____ yet?" She did get it done without totally leaving it to the end but mostly b/c I hounded her about it.

The problem seems to be that, even if I drop it and don't remind her at all on things like this (or "let her fail!" as dh screams at the kids), she still gets As. The procrastination isn't catching up with her yet again. I want her to have reasonable study skills. I've never worked with her on note taking and studying techniques as I am right now w/ dd10 b/c she hasn't seemed to need it (she gets As and A+s on all tests with whatever she is or isn't doing to study for them).

I'm just not sure what it will take to get her to stay on top of creating a reasonable game plan for completing assignments over the course of a week, a few days, something other than the day before... I'm sure that, if she had to pay the piper in terms of her grades suffering, she'd spread the work out more, but like I said it isn't coming to her grades suffering.