I signed my youngest up for piano lessons at the age of 5 because he would sit for hours and pick out tunes from his imagination on our piano at home. He used a single finger from his left hand and a single finger from his right.

After 6 months of lessons, the teacher asked us to quit. She said that his ear and musicality were quite developed but that he couldn't get his little fingers to move the way they needed to in order to play correctly, and she didn't want him becoming frustrated over a developmental skill that was hindering his progress.

It was 3 1/2 more years before we had a diagnosis of dysgraphia. Reading music is still difficult for him, so for now we've purchased a keyboard where he composes and picks out popular tunes by ear. I am hoping with time to add formal lessons back into the mix so that he has more tools at his disposal to explore the music in his head.

If you've found an environment where the instructor is familiar with the challenges of 2E, you are so far ahead of things. All the best and hoping it's a great experience for you both.