So we've met with the Principal. He will talk with DS' teacher and the middle school teacher who has expressed interest in mentoring DS in science. We requested a more formal way of mentorship. We'll see what comes out of it... We figure that if we can get the science and math instructions to match his level, this will enable him to stay with his agemates and while meeting his academic needs. Best solution for now smile

In any case, Grinity, I'm wondering if you can tell me more about the Iowa Acceleration Manual. Do you use the manual yourself, or is it something that has to be done together with the school / teachers?

SRI is the Scholastic Reading Inventory, also known as Lexile score. The info can be found here:
It's been discussed in this board before. There's some controversy about it, too, since the way it only takes into account sentence length and word frequency.

Originally Posted by Grinity
Do you see you child having trouble forming his own opinion and making connections when you discuss movies and TV shows or books? Gifted kids can be quite literal, and it's wise to look around for any family history or indications of AS, but in some ways it's harder to make a personal connection to 'See Dick Run' sort of material.

What is 'AS'?
DS is very literal. He would get all the facts out of what he reads, and then moves on on his quest to collect more facts wink

DS actually enjoys reading fictions and comics for pleasure now. He started reading fictions in 2nd grade with the Magic Tree House series, although he preferred the non-fiction books from the series. He then got into the Warrior series, and read everything that has been published (thank goodness for library!). Now he's reading the Guardians of Ga'hoole series. Of course, he still prefers non-fiction books.

BTW, does anyone ever get the "Gifted Kids Survival Guide" for their children? I'm thinking of picking up a copy from the library and reading it together with him. Two days ago DS asked me if he was gifted and what that meant. His best buddy who is now attending HG school asked him if the kids in the new school (that my DS has shadowed) were all gifted. I haven't answered his questions and have started looking for answers in this board (thank you to all that have posted and shared your experience! It really makes such difference knowing that we're not alone!). He knew that he did well in the two tests that he took (WISC and SCAT). I don't think he even knew that the first test was IQ test. After I told him that he did well in his SCAT test, he asked me if that means he has to go to another school.

Originally Posted by BWBShari
I think that you are absolutely correct in including your son in the discussions. Transitions of any sort are much easier if your child feels like he has input into the choices being made.
The other day, we had a conversation with the Principal of the new school. He was trying to convince DS that the new school was the one that would help him to grow the most. DS agreed, but he was very sure that he wanted to finish what he has started (i.e. finish 5th grade) then he would go to the other school in the Fall. The Principal finally said that you could bring the cow to the water but could not make it drink smile Maybe DS would change his mind once he understands more about "giftedness" and how it means he needs to get the appropriate challenge to make sure the 'gift' does not go to waste?