I believe working with the school will be fruitful instead of fighting it. I know many schools and districts neglect gifted education. But we can advocate gifted education in our own schools.

Accelerating the kids also come with a price that the kids' physical development (may be emotional)is behind their intellect level and sometmes feel out of place in the class room (especially >2 grades level).

We are now in internet age and online education is available through CTY or EPGY. If the kid does online education after school, it takes away their freee time and they will be bored at school listening to what they already know. I am working with the school to have my daughter take online classes (in the school library) when the class is doing Math or reading. I think it will be win-win situation except that we have to pay out of pocket for the online classes.

But if we have more kids doing it, we will apply for grant from the school district or other foundations. I just wish that there is a website like youtube with school curriculum and related videos and work sheet for the kids to learn (small fee) and kids can progress at their own pace. This could be the education reform that we need in USA.

If anyone trying to slash funds for gifted education, remind them that the digital evolution that keeps USA on top of world economy are founders of Microsoft, Intel, and silicon valley who were gifted students.