DD12 will be taking SAT next year for Talent Search, I was curious, do middle-school students taking SATs actually "prepare" for these tests? ie. run through practice tests, or go through study books etc like the HS kids? For the SCAT, all we did was to go through the six or so "sample questions" in the Test info packet just so she became familiar with the format, but the format was the same throughout anyway, so the "test prep" took all but few minutes.

SAT seems so daunting and long; on one hand, I feel little guilty having a child even go through such testing, so the idea of preparing for the test seems alot too but on the otherhand, she has done so well in the SCATs (that being a very short test in comparision), that taking the SAT seems the next logical step. Besides, that's been the expectation for Middle School Talent Search participants, right? So it can't be that bad, I keep telling myself. And going in cold without any prep doesn't seem right either. I know JH CTY now offers the option for MS students to take the SCAT, but on the other hand, I am curious to see how she would do on a test like the SAT...

Any thoughts or experience?