My son, who is now 7 has been obsessed with dinosaurs for quite some time now. He will spend hours reading books about them and could give your endless useless facts that would raise a few eyebrows. He is very precise about things. About a year ago he had his regular check up with the ped. and we're sitting in the room waiting for the dr. and he's looking at the posters on the wall as he often does. Normally he'll become engrossed in one about the digestive system or something but in this particular room there was a dinosaur picture displayed and he became very agitated as he studied it. I asked him what was wrong and he said "That picture has the names of the dinosaurs on it and it says that one right there is a T-rex but it's not! A T-Rex does NOT have 3 claws on his small arms he only has 2 so it's WRONG! That is NOT a T-Rex!" He was visibly upset until the dr came in and of course we had to go through it all again because naturally the dr wanted to know what the problem was. Well, the picture is still hanging in there and every time we're in there and I have my son along I have to remind them NOT to put us in that room because he just can't stand it that they won't take that picture down.

Before I discovered the wonderful concept of a cyber charter school and my son was attending the local public school I had to warn the teacher of a few things. He had a history of fighting kids to the death about what a person's head is called. My son knew most of the bones of the body by the time he was 3 so he would not accept anyone calling it "my head" oh no! He stood outside screaming at a child one day "NO! It's your CRANIUM!" He also learned sign language about the same time so I had to let the teacher know that holding up the middle three fingers and calling it a "3" would yield another argument with him. That is a "w" and he will not hear anything else out of anyone about it.

My now 3 year old daughter...she seems to be a temperamental artist thus far and I don't know if she will be PG like her brother or not. I was standing in a store one day about 2 feet from a man with long hair pulled back in a braid and she says very loudly "Mom, why does that man have hair like a lady?" *sigh* I took both kids to a local "traveling planetarium" Starlab that our library was having and at the end of the presentation the man asked for questions and there goes my daughter's hand in the air. I'm thinking "WHAT could she POSSIBLY want to ask him?" I should have known better. She boasts "Um, can I take a star home with me?" Yeah, that's hardly profound but certainly worth a giggle. shocked )

"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous