Welcome, Liz.

You think you are shell-shocked now! Just wait. We were approached by our son's school to have him skip kindy just a few days before the start of the school year (he was about a month shy of five).

I'm glad your school is working proactively for your child.

I've not seen anyone suggest "A Nation Deceived," which I think is excellent reading parents in your shoes, especially if you have any concerns (or curiosity) about the skip.

"A Nation Deceived"

There's an executive summary for the proverbial wetting of the feet: (http://www.accelerationinstitute.org/Nation_Deceived/Executive_Summary.aspx), and then -- if so inclined -- you can plow into the full report for all the gory details.

Lastly, there's a wonderful article, "What a Child Doesn't Learn."
Opening quote:
If during the first five or six years of school, a child earns good grades and high praise without having to make much effort, what are all the things he doesn�t learn that most children learn by third grade?
The full article is available here:

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz