Ds10 is having a pretty rotten time with remembering stuff this year, too. Seems 5th grade is the year the teachers tend to completely change how they approach 1. giving assignments, 2. reminding kids about assignments and 3. asking kids to hand stuff in.
There doesn't seem to be any gradual way that the teachers have found to introduce kids to the new level of organization they'll need upon entering middle school, so a lot of kids just fall off this cliff in 5th or 6th grade, whenever it first hits.
I have discussed this with several other parents in our area and this seems to be 'the way of things'.

Anyway, I am trying to get ok with the teacher not particularly liking my son, probably rolling her ideas at the idea that he is gifted, etc. We got home a 2 part end-of-unit test. Part 1: 2 computation questions. Get one wrong and you get an F. Guess who got an F?
Part 2: 25 questions on math concepts. Guess who got an A? I suppose the total grade there is a C, but it just seems a ridiculous format.

But that is a bit of digression about the sort of crazy teacher...

Strategies I am employing on the organization front are:
Not overreacting to the idea that ds10 forgets stuff, (like this is big news).
Looking into some good books on organization for students, Grinity recommended one called 'The organized student', so I have
been reading that and working with ds to create a better 'paper-flow' as detailed in the book.
Showing the teachers that I understand (most of) this is Ds's responsibility, so trying not to coddle him too much.

If it doesn't clear up soon, then more action is needed, and I will cross that bridge when we come to it.

As to punishing a child by removing his regular lesson plan, well that does seem a bit absurd, thankfully we haven't gotten any of that sillyness. Sorry to hear you are having to deal with that!

Last edited by chris1234; 12/01/10 09:03 AM.