This is where it's easy on a farm. GS11 started showing cattle 3 years ago, that also meant cleaning a lot of poo, washing, brushing, feeding and watering; not just his animal but ours, too, because we all worked together. Last week, hubby and I took 2 head to a national show and were gone 4 days. GS11 didn't want to miss school, so he stayed home and took care of 100 head of cattle after school. We hired someone for the morning chores and to check up on him in the evening. But, GS11 did everything in the evening. Edited to add: He could not have gone from doing nothing with the cattle to doing all the chores in one day, it was a process. There are some things he still can not do, that will come with age and teaching.
He also made it to his band concert, did his homework, practiced his flute, and practiced for his quiz team. I had a sister come watch, feed, and take him to his concert. But he had one day he was on his own for a couple hours, but he usually has one day a week like that anyway.

He can make simple meals, and do laundry. He helps clean the house.

Oh, and after last week he has a new found appreciation for all we do to make sure he can participate in all his activities off the farm.

Giving a child responsibility gives you the chance to give him meaningful praise. It builds character. It also lets you see if he is careful with his chores, he will be careful in expanded freedom to explore the neighborhood on his bike.

Last edited by OHGrandma; 11/25/10 07:55 AM. Reason: added more