Well, that is quite a list. I guess the main thing that leaps out at me is this 'On Halloween he got upset when one of his friends wouldn't trade him for a specific candy and went into the corner and sat all balled up with his hat over his eyes. This seemed extreme behavior for an 11 year old in front of his friends.'

My ds was depressed and this was exactly how things would go for him. One minute things were 'ok', and the next he would be in the corner balled up and miserable for and hour or more. The outbursts and inability to focus are also typical...I guess you have probably read up on this, but if not, there are some brief articles you can check out online. http://www.medicinenet.com/depression_in_children/article.htm

If this turns out to be part of the issue, the good news is that it is pretty treatable. Our ds has been back to his old self for some time now and is just a delight. (Not to say he is not still a handful, but a happy handful). I do wish you the best in trying to figure this out!! Hugs!