DS6 remembers everything, except he seems to get people confused all the time. If we know people well it isn't an issue too much, but if not he gets people all mixed up. Like this weekend we went to a school function and 2 boys from his 4th grade class (he is in this class every day for about an hour and a half a day) came up to him and enthusiastically said hi to him by name. One even put his arms up either to give DS6 a hug or high five or something. DS just looked at them and walked by. no response at all. I went up to him and asked who they were and he said "I don't know." I said they must know him because they said hi to him by name and clearly knew him. Later they came up and talked to him and he responded a little better and at least acknowledged them. This has happened before, once with the girl that sits next to him in a class. He had no idea who she was. He had been in the class for a week already. Also, if he sees someone he knows well out of context, in a different setting sometimes he has no clue who they are but will tell me "they look just like _______" I will have to tell them that they are that person. It is very odd. Other times he has talked to people thinking they were someone else because in his mind they look similar. He isn't really like this with good friends or anything if he sees them regularly, but still it is quite strange. He is such a detail oriented person, I just find it weird that he doesn't pick up on distinguishing characteristics. Any other gifted kids like this?