My 4th grade son's elementary school is looking for people to run with this. My son is very underchallenged this year, but hopefully will get admittted to his brother's gifted school next year.

I've worked with this age group and could do it but I am overextended and am ONLY interested in helping my son. If the other kids benefit, fine. But I wouldn't be doing it for altruistic reasons. I am very fair and would do a good job but my reason for doing it would be to help MY son get challenged, since his school isn't doing it.

The pros:

-Give my son some challenge
-Meet some kids in the immediate neighborhood
-Observe the learning styles of my son and other kids
-My third grade son could observe and participate a little and I wouldn't need to make alternative arrangements for him

The cons:

-I'm busy
-The time could be spent doing something tailored more specifically to my son
-Don't really understand how the projects are evaluated and if they learn anything specific. Seems like the kids could spend half a year messing around in my garage and then get a pat on the head for producing very little. This is my biggest concern. I can make time, but is it worth it?

ETA: Any opinions, perspectives appreciated. I'm not normally so stingy with my time, but this is a tough year and I have to prioritize.

Last edited by JaneSmith; 11/10/10 05:53 AM.