Math whiz to battle the world's best
By Mark Price
Charlotte Observer
November 8, 2010

Zack Lee reads physics books in his spare time.

"For fun," explains the 10-year-old. "There's really a lot of humor in it."

He's an even bigger fan of math, a fact underscored by his recruitment into the new World Mathematics Team Championship, Nov. 25-28 in Beijing, China.

Think Spelling Bee, only with complex math.

Lee, a fifth-grader at Barringer Academic Center, is one of six kids picked for the U.S. Primary Team (kids age 12 and under), and the only one from North Carolina. The U.S. will also have high school and middle school teams.

In all, organizers say, 500 kids from 10 countries will be competing as teams, individuals and in relays. Computers or calculators won't be allowed, not that Zack needs one.

Described as "a genius" by teachers, he is currently five years above his grade level in math. If anything, Zack is too fast for his own good, preferring to do everything in his head, says math teacher Lisa Ashworth. She has worked with him for three years as part of Barringer's Horizons program for students who are too gifted for traditional gifted programs.

"Zack's weakness is rushing. He loves the competition. He loves to get through," says Ashworth. "He needs to slow down and check his work."

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Sample questions for the WMTC are at . According to team members were chosen according to scores on the AMC series, ARML, MATHCOUNTS, and SCMO .

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell