Originally Posted by sajechma
Please cross your fingers that the school psychologist responds to my meeting request! According to the teacher it may be hard getting the school district to do anything since she is gifted and her grades are good. We have to prove that her problems are in some way hindering her education.

I completely understand. It's frustrating to understand the problem but not get any help from the school because your kid is at or above grade level. We have gone back and forth with the school about this. We have managed to get DD8 a 504 plan that allows her extra time for writing on tests and allows her to keyboard. DD8 still is pretty slow on the keyboard so she hasn't started to use it very much. Our school curriculum includes keyboarding later this year (third grade). If she still hasn't mastered it by the end of this year, I may look at typing lessons over the summer.

I have found it helpful to share articles re stealth dyslexia with my daughter's teachers at the beginning of the year so they don't just think that she is lazy or careless. Even then, her teacher pulls her hair out when dealing with DD's spelling -- DD can learn it for the test but nothing seems to transfer to her writing. Unfortunately, we may have to wait until she bombs the writing portion of our state testing before we can get extra help from school. Until then, I keep working with her current teacher and support her as best I can at home.