Originally Posted by Polly
Hi Holly -- Firstly welcome, glad you found these boards.

A thyroid problem that causes thyroid levels to be either low or high could impact testing performance, school performance, school enjoyment, distractability, etc. Either high or low thyroid levels can cause a person to be upset or cry more easily than usual too. If he has even a subtle thyroid problem that may be the first thing to address and then if his behavior and school enjoyment isn't back to normal try to retest (with a different test to make it a fair test) after you've determined his thyroid levels have been well within an optimal range for at least 6 weeks.

Hi Polly, and thanks for the welcome. smile

You've reinforced my thinking, and I appreciate it. Before the assessment began, I mentioned to the tester that my son has an active thyroid problem (Graves' Disease, and in full swing, currently). I told her that it was my understanding that it can mimic other disorders, such as ADHD, at times. --Even so, she doesn't think his problems are medical (thyroid, etc.) in origin.

He has an appointment with an Endocrinologist next week, so hopefully, attending to that part of the problem with make things more clear for me.

Thanks so much for your time and thoughts.