I'm having trouble "turning on the light" in my oldest boy (4 tears old) in particular. A while ago I wrote about that enthusiasm that he got after visiting a gifted group. We've been going along, and it's been good, but the light he had that first time isn't there, and even with home educating him, I don't know he doesn't seem to have it.

I'm not sure what is not working for him, but something isn't. He seems to be very unenthusiastic. He's not that interested in very much. Whenever I present activities he doesn't want to do them - almost anything. If he was older, I'd swear he was turned off learning!

An example is that he always used to enjoy going to the library and choosing new books, but lately, he doesn't really want to, and when we get home, he doesn't really want to read them with me. He used to love that.

I'm not sure I'm making a lot of sense! I hope others here will kind of understand what I mean.

Any ideas?