Originally Posted by Mag
Sometimes I feel like although her IQ is a couple of years ahead of her chronological age, her EQ is 3 years behind her chronological age. I know this is part of the asynchronous development. But, this big of a gap?

This pretty much sums up my DD6 soon to be 7. The only thing that I can say is that as difficult as HS is for us, she seems to have 'matured' quite a bit. She handles situations much better now. She's not always overwhelmed emotionally. Picking her up from school (JK) was horrible (lengthy meltdowns from the moment she got in the car). We've been homeschooling since SK and much of the little brother envy has melted away simply because we spend so much time together. I find with DD that she is making large EQ leaps lately, although still she is unlike other kids her age. I too hope that it gets better in time and have been assured that it will. I'm still crossing my fingers though:)


Last edited by annaliisa; 11/02/10 07:45 AM.