Interesting ride home from school today. First, let me start by saying that DD is a master at telling stories. She can make one up on the fly and repeat it verbatim later on. The same with her songs. And always with full range of emotion that is fitting to the story.

I state that for what is to follow. DD informed me that some of the boys hit her today. She went on to name the three boys and had a very detailed account of what happened. As I asked additional questions her story became even more real and my heart started racing. I asked if they were playing a game and she said 'No, definitely not playing. They didn't do it on accident either and I don't want to be friends with them anymore.' I asked where the teacher was and she informed me she was there and when I asked what the teacher did DD stated she gave them a timeout. I also asked if they ever did this before and she said it was a daily thing. I pushed a few times to see if she was making it up and she assured me that they hit her and mind you with tears and a trembling voice. I was incredibly upset by all of this and was ready to turn the car around and talk to the head mistress but figured it would be best for all involved to just get home and make a phone call. When I informed DD that this was serious and no child has the right to hit another and I would need to call the school because the most important thing for me is that she is protected ... she just laughed and said 'I made it up Mommy. They didn't really hit me.' I tried many an angle after that: The you don't need to protect them. Mommy and Daddy are here to ensure you are safe and you should always tell us about anything, etc. She stuck to her guns and insisted that it was only a story.

Now I have no idea. I still think we need to talk to the school but I definitely don't want to go in with guns blazing. Any ideas on how to approach this?