This looks like what you are looking for.
Info. on per pupil funding:$75 per pupil for Four percent of the distric's student count or TWOTHOUSAND DOLLARS. This PDF has information you need, to put in writing the problems you are having with school distric, and speciffically how the distric isn't in compliance with ADE Gifted Program. I susgest e-mailing a very nice letter to the Gifted Director, Peter C.Laing, e-mail:, (602)364-3842. He is responsible for distric being in compliance. You can request he mail you the Open Records Forms. So you can request in writting, you be provide all the records your distric has given the ADE to show they are in compliance with providing Gifted Programing, the data, how many students, amount of money they have received, how they are claiming they are meeting requirements to provide Gifed Educational Services in your school..all documents. Also request Complaint Forms and name, address and contact information of who is the Director of Complaints Program. Parents who provide State Departments with information of schools who are not in compliance, are essential to the suscess of the Educational Programs. If you have a group of parents who also have these same concerns, you might consider having all the parents get together and agree on what are all issues of concern and have them all sign complaint. Then you could format your letter as a petition from concerned parents in the distric. Hope this info. helps you to work out problems. Wishing you the best!