What is CTY? I think I need to go back to school, because I thought texting was a pain to learn to decipher, but sometimes I try to read posts on forums and just give up trying to figure out what all the letters squished together are supposed to mean... ;/

Congrats on the successes; sounds like a great experience for all of you! And I have to say there was always a little part of me that was happy to see my child get a poor grade, because it doesn't happen very often. It's a great learning opportunity for how to handle disappointment and having to push harder to meet expectations. Not that I liked to see him sad, but it's just an important life skill and one that didn't afford too many opportunities to acquire with a high IQ.

As to the public school / home school, I think it's a bit of a mixed bag. I think some kids are so poorly served by the public school setting that homeschooling is the perfect solution. But there is a family here that my kids interact with in a sport that are homeschool, and it has to border on shameful that these kids are missing such massive pockets of knowledge because of being home schooled.

My son is in public education and has opportunities I could not have arranged, because I don't have the alliances or funds the school has. He worked in a robotics lab last year and will work in a different university program this year - something that was open to him as a public school student.

I don't think it's either/or - just what is best for your kiddo, and it looks like you've found the perfect match for yours.