Originally Posted by CourtneyB
So if I have a 6 yr old 1st grader doing 3rd grade math through k12 and EPGY what level book do I buy him?

(ditto for a 5 yr old Ker doing 1st grade math)

I would go for third grade and 1st grade. The puzzles and games are around and extensions of the normal grade level work, I think.

We have the 2nd grade book and it has simple logic problems, patterns to continue (both color, shape and number), permutations (of digits, colors, meals and other things), word problems for addition and multiplication, color fractions, estimation of lengths and weights, creating and reading line graphs. But having said that, I'd really enjoy doing most of the sheets in the book, and I'm working well past 2nd grade.

Last edited by Tallulah; 10/23/10 10:53 AM.