I read your article. Thank you for shareing! Parents need all the support they can get. With schools struggleing to meet grade scores on Core curriculum testing, to be in compliance under NCLB. Having information to identify and support children that have the potential to make very high scores with modified lessons designed to meet their unique learning style is very enlighting. Parents can utilize articles like yours and scientific research based studies to do presentation to their distric of how to improve the districs scores. Helping the distric in creative way that don't necessarly cost more money. Just requires you are able or willing to recognize new concepts and ideas based on brainbased research of what is more effective way to educate children. It is very helpful when articles are designed so parents can e-mail them to their distric and when they are on PDF so we can download them to gain a library of resources to share with aother parents or agencys in our states so we can advocate for educational reform in America.