I know there are several threads regarding books around here, but DS6.5 has recently tested in the 3.8-4.5 range (up from 3.0-3.5) in reading - that's end of 3rd, middle of 4th grade. He does AR tests based on his level. At the teacher conference, she told me that she will not put him up to level 5 due to most of the books being innappropriate for DS's age.

So, up until now, this has only been a small issue, so I've ignored it. But now, what books geared towards 5th grade readers are out there that ARE appropriate for an almost 7 year old to read? He says he's not ready for Harry Potter, as he gets scared easily. In fact, even though he's been ready for the Magic Treehouse series for some time, he just now started liking them. He used to be scared of the pictures.

Any suggestions for a boy at this level? It seems I am able to find a few more "girl" books, but he's not interested in those. wink