Met with DS's teacher (who we love by the way!) about this.

Here's what we came up with.

SHE suggested (did I mention we love her?) that some of the issue may be that DS is insufficiently challenged and she is going to move forward with additional differentiation, including pre-tests, differentiated assignments and opportunitites to test out of standard homework.

She also recommended that we give DS the ability to check his own homework by creating an answer sheet to give him after we've seen that he's done the work, and then make him responsible to see if everything matches up and make the appropriate corrections.

She agreed to write at the top of DS's classwork assignments the number of answers that should be there if DS's work is complete. That way, he can count them when he thinks he's done to see if it matches up. This is our attempt to help him see that there are unanswered questions. She did this yesterday on his Math test, and he came home saying that it helped a lot, and the "A" he received on the test, seems to support that. :-)

We also passed along the suggestion found here that DS use a piece of paper to cover up the questions except the one he's working on. She thought that was worth a try to help him focus on the problem at hand.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he is able to continue making progress on this. Thanks for all the great suggestions!