Hi maggieb,

--An IEP covers accommodations and services. Services are provided by people like PT, OT, speech, reading specialists, and special ed teachers, and cost money. Accommodations are adjustments to work that typically are done by the regular teacher without adding any extra personnel. A 504 plan only allows for accommodations in most cases, not services. If he needs any therapies, including help for managing the anxiety, go for the IEP.

--What are the specific needs you are trying to meet, and can they be met through accommodations, or will they require services?

--How sure are you that the social problems are due to being different? (As opposed to a disorder of social skills?) I ask because my DS's giftedness masked his Asperger's for a long time before we could finally figure him out. Sometimes there is both giftedness and a disorder involving social capacities.

--Is subject acceleration or some other solution possible in your current school that might help with the boredom issue? Would these be more or less of this kind of option available in the magnet school? Can you find out why the principal thinks this is a good fit, in detail?

--What does he hate about school-- can he say?

--Does your DS do better work in the GATE pullout than elsewhere? If so, can that teacher advocate for him or help you devise an appropriate plan?
