The fact that they even use MAP testing, and then that they look at the results and made changes in his Math worksheets is a very positive sign. In some ways your district is far ahead of other districts.
That's what I thought...but it is taking a long time, and non-communicative teachers are not easing my concerns...
I would also see how quickly you can get yourself an appointment to visit the school and see what the 'gifted program' consists of.

I think this will be my next step. In a good news/bad news scenario, yes, we have a gifted and talented program. Bad news, it's been hit by budget cuts, and a single coordinator is at the school 1.5 days a week for the whole school. There is a TAG charter school in the district, but as far as I know, my son doesn't qualify. He would have to have 99% percentile Math RIT score and 95%+ reading RIT score. At this point, if they can meet his needs in math, that will work.
If the school will tell you, ask 'how many other children in my son's current class are within 5 RIT points of my son's English and Math.' Then you can point out how fruitless it is to try to differentiate for just one child, if in fact, he is the only child in the classroom. What I like about RIT levels and MAP is that it's all about 'what does this child know and what are the next learning goals for this child.'

I will definitely use this question! Thanks!
I am so glad I found all of YOU. I will let you know how it goes. It is so hard to wait another week before we even meet. Yes, I will see his scores, besides what he has told me himself...and it's nice to have concrete info. But what it comes down to is DS is ASKING for more challenging work...that's the part that is driving this forward.