Jen, is there a children's hospital in your region? Not that everyone who works in a Ch. H. is perfect, but we have found excellent experts in our region's children's hospitals.

I may also be in the minority here in saying that gifted may not be the most important factor in your DS's testing. Our DS's neuropsych testing was done by an autism specialist, not a gifted specialist; but he was perfectly capable of helping us sift out the gifted piece as well as we needed it sifted.

I am a little skeptical about the idea that you absolutely have to travel across the country to get tested. Many good providers do have months-long waiting lists, and some don't take insurance, it's true; and they're not plentiful in all areas; but I wouldn't say there are only a few people in the country who are qualified to test a 2E kid. Our medium-sized city alone has several I'd trust to do a good job.
