My ds8.5 (turns 9 in Nov.) has been attending a virtual public school, this year we will complete and it will make 2 years with the virtual school. They have been great b/c they have allowed my ds to move at his pace in both math and Language Arts and this year they even skipped him a grade in both b/c of an achievement test he took. So, currently he is in 4th for Science, Social, Health, PE, Latin. 5th for Language Arts (grammar, spelling, vocabulary, writing) and 6th grade for Math (Pre-Algebra A).

My issue is that at the end of this school year we will be switching him to a brick and mortar public school. The issue will be what grade to put him into b/c we don't believe that they will place him into 5th, 6th, & 7th grade. We have talked about putting him into all of 6th grade (if they will allow it) but my husband is concerned that he will get picked on b/c of his height. I am more concerned b/c he is an overemotional child. I don't want to hold back hid education b/c of his emotions but don't know how he will handle himself nor the other kids in 6th grade having a child who is that age of 4th graders.

Any suggestions on getting a handle on his emotions? Any books? I know some kids kids picked on so that really doesn't bother me to much.
