Oh Lori!
What a relief - I sure hope it goes well. FWIW, when my son was being evaluated for NVLD, but the school, the OT, the PT and the gym teacher all took a 'quick look' at him and assured me and the 'team' that there were no problems. I got an outside eval and his gross motor was at the 5%, etc! I ended up crying in the Principle's office due to being treated like I was 'wrong for trying to follow my doctor's suggestions' even though now I question the diagnosis, and wonder how the doctor missed the giftedness, or didn't mention it anyway - those were the scores that got DS11 into YSP. So anyway, the Princ said: "Lets try him in the OT/PT groups" so they did, and within 6 weeks the OT saw me in the hallway and said, "I didn't see it at the eval, but now that I know him I can see that he really needs to be there!"

It sure did make me feel better. And the activities really seemed to help. My prayers are with you!

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