"Piaget in a nutshell"

Well someone tried to tell me once that not everybody sees in 3D. He said that to describe why i can see several ways to rearrange a room without using a tape measure. I thought that was a weird way to put it. I Didnt know I see things in 3-D. But how could you not? Is it depth-perception? Maybe that's true. Might be that left brain, right brain (visual-spatial, audio-sequential) thing.�

Today I was looking at that EPGY thing just to see what it is (maybe some other year after we finish the workbooks I've already bought). I looked at the scale drawing grid because I learned that in art class and EPGY is teaching it as math.�
Ds has got this imaginary giant that he carries around that somehow is too big to come in the house but rides in the car with us, and I've seen ds pick up his giant in the palm of his hand and toss him over the fence. �Ds watched me watching this scale sizing demo and started talking about making his giant small.
Is that related? Are we talking about photoshoping, cropping, and reversing the scenery in our mind?

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar