Since our kids are different, sometimes in more ways than just being smart (quirky, aspie, artsy, nerdy, etc.) I'm guessing that some of you are dealing with bullying. So I just wanted to tip everyone off to the new It Gets Better Project on YouTube:

It's aimed at gay kids (and by sheer statistics, some of our kids are gay) but the message is a universal one for any kid who doesn't fit the mold and is being made miserable in school for who they are. The message is that life gets SO much better when you reach adulthood.

Check it out. I highly recommend it. (For pre-teens, you might want to pre-screen them for discussion of violence or sexuality.) Here are a few of my favorites: (Short and sweet message of hope.) (Message from the founders of the project.) (A message to the bullies. Contains some profanity, but it may be just the shot in the arm that an angsting teen needs.)