I think we came up with a compromise, tomorrow DD9 is going to attend 5th grade classes for one day. She is going to get books, a schedule, and do everything the 5th graders do. Then we will see if she likes it or not. I'm hoping she knows some people in this class as she has said she does have some friends that are in 5th grade.

They aren't willing to test her. I'll just have to find the money to do it myself I guess. Gifted education is mandated by West Virginia and is allotted as part of special education. Also found out they don't have anything for a pull out program in this county. One teacher for gifted children for the entire county.

Also found out DD9 is...hold on to your seats...disorganized. Like I told my Mom, her mind is on a hundred different things, not putting up her chair at the end of the day. Bless her heart she comes by it honestly so we will be working harder to get her organized especially tonight since she is attending the new class tomorrow.

Also that she was socially a little backwards per her teacher, which is not like her, so they were worried about putting her in 5th grade, that she might not fit in. Apparently she spent all her time reading and not socializing, which just started changing recently as she is making more friends who are more like her and they are pushing each other in math (loving that part). Normally she is our social butterfly in the house. Its funny to me that a teacher would think that reading in school is backwards.

Well at least we have our start. If she likes it tomorrow then we can continue to keep her in 5th next week. If not then she can stay in 4th.

The impossible is just something that hasn't happened yet.