My son (7) has been identified as gifted by our public school. He is very bright, loves physics, space, and building. He enjoys reading -- always has a book in his hands. The testing completed was limited - just CogAt and ITBS. He is very visual -- tells me he sees things in his brain and says things like I have to look in my brain files. His reading comprehension is remarkable -- remembers and recalls things he reads in amazing detail. He reads well above grade level, preferring nonfiction reference type books written for much older kids. He is good at math as well. He loves designing and building things and often completes designs based on a books or tv shows (about futuristic cars for example) that have inspired him.

The problem we are having is he is inattentive in class. He is not impulsive, hyperactive, or immature for his age. He gets along well with his classmates. He sits, listens to the teacher and then as soon as it is time to do work on his own, he goes into his own world. He stays seated, but sits on his feet and sways and moves. He prefers to stand during his time in gifted class. He stays on task during tests when everyone else is quite and doing the same thing. He tells me the work is boring. He will also say he "forgets" what he is supposed to do. The work he is doing is below his ability level, and he has a 96% average on the work that has been graded. He just has a lot of work he has never completed and turned in. He has messy handwritng and hates to write. His gifted teacher also has trouble keeping him on task -- he wants to build and discuss physics instead of demonstrating some task she has asked him to do. At home we see it in him getting side tracked when I ask him to complete simple things like wash your face, brush your teeth and get your PJS on. I will find him at some stage on the process sitting and reading a book. When I ask why he has not done XYZ, he says I forgot. He has no sense of time. Getting out the door in the morning is a chore.

Our pediatrician called him a divergent thinker who needs to turn on the consequence side of his brain and learn to concentrate. The school (both gifted and classroom teacher) think he has ADHD. A psychologist referred us to a OT for an evaluation (which has not taken place). I have read so much and see a little of him in each of the areas listed above. I feel like different professionals will see it through their own lense. We are early in this process and I feel really frustrated already. I don't really care if we get a "diagnosis" or really know if he has anything "wrong". I just want to help him. Do any of you have a similar child? What kind of professional should we take him to see to get a whole kid prespective? I appreciate any insight you may have.