[/quote] this is exactly what block design is measuring[quote]

Wow, mich, lightbulb!!! I use the term asynchronous all the time about DS and other kids, but don't pay enough attention to it within him! I was so thrown by his not being able to do it because of what he does, he usually does so well! I guess my own LD issues might make me overreact to his challenges. But I guess we might not have any answer for awhile as to whether these things are truly delays or just asynchronous delays. At the very least though I do have to see that he does things that he doesn't like as much or just isn't doing, like puzzles and mazes. On the upside, he is making progress with the OT, after 2 sessions (plus going back to preschool) he is willing now to draw and is starting to see it as a form of expressions which considering the I can't do it, I won't do it we were hearing, it's a huge step forward.

It's so interesting how speed factors in, the tortise never wins in the testing world I guess!!