He got all sad and bent out of shape when one of the babies my friends watches grabbed one of his coloring pages.

It seems as if he's been over-excitable right after his bath/shower time. Which would be at about hour 13. Is that normal?

I got a snotty email from his principal today when I asked about the MDT/IEP. Kind of pissed me off, actually.
I don't think we need to do an MDT/IEP at this time. His needs are being met in the classroom, and there are many ways we can extend the curriculum to keep him challenged. Special Education services are not only about test scores - they are also about a need for specialized instruction. Because of our multi-age classrooms, and our development of our own curriculum, we are able to meet needs for students who are gifted while they're in the classroom
I don't think his needs are being met - the reason I say that is because he FLIES through his homework and tells me that everything is "super easy" and that he "needs a challenge" in class. So needless to say, I need to meet with her, ASAP...