Hi Grinity,

I can access the text book. It is standard fare - Scott Foresman 6th grade math. Our district is rural and small - approx. 80 kids per grade. Out of those 80 they have created two advanced math classes with perhaps 10 kids in each.
They did give the end of year assessment as a pretest and DS scored 75% with mistakes more related to rushing or lack of exposure - e.g. not knowing the sum of angles in a triangle. So I do think he needs some of the sixth grade curriculum but could easily move through the material in a month and be ready to move on. He just ended up hating school last year for lack of challenge and I want to head it off at the pass if possible.
On the other hand I don't want to be too pushy at the beginning of the year and I am not sure what accomodations they would/could make anyway.