Originally Posted by cym
Do they have the authority to remove her from the program without "due process" (meeting with you/her, intervention, etc.)? In my state, gifted is under Special Education, so parents and students have rights.

How old or what grade is your daughter? Is she old enough for above level testing (SCAT, EXPLORE, etc.) to help argue your points?

Consider pink's idea of skipping, even this late in the year, it might be a good fit.

There was a meeting for her that I attended, along with the committee,... even though I was against removing her,.... I went along with it on a trial basis so that her behavior would improve. I was under the understanding that she would be put back in when she started completing assignments and following directions. Which she is doing for the most part now because her reward is to go to the computer lab.

When she met all her goals,.... I had another meeting and there were more people there, and they said as a committee they would still not put her back in and it was their decision.

Her IQ tested at 149 and she is above grade level in math and science, she is in first grade. Her "normal" teacher which is rumored to be the the best in the school is at wits end with her and doesn't know what to do with her.