Does your school district do any beginning of the year assessment? Maybe you could start by asking questions re how to they determine where the kids are at? You could mention that math seems to be a strength area for your DD (don't be surprised if you get some skepticism about girls being interested or strong in math -- sad but true). Hopefully, in this context, you will have the opportunity to offer what DD is doing at home with the Singapore math.

Your need to start with your teacher but if he/she is not receptive then I would contact the gifted specialist. You could ask if the specialist could provide additional resources to help the K teacher differentiate for your kid. It sounds like the services offered in 5th grade will be way too late. A trained gt person should appreciate this.

At our school all K's are given literacy and math assessments. I already know that DS demonstrated ability above K on these tests. I plan to bring up "math grouping" in the context of reviewing his assessments at conferences.

Good luck!