Okay I can understand the view points here. But, how can a child get a 0 on a test in one particular subject? If there was a problem with the student understanding the material. The teacher should be able to recognize this in advance, before a test is ever administered. The probability of a child getting a 0 is extremely low.

If a child automatically receives 50% on a test the teacher will never know how much understanding the child has. I don't feel this raising the bar. I feel it's the public school system bending to mediocrity.

Val, I get the whole idea about college. I want my children to go to college, for nothing else but to round them out. A BS means practically nothing today. Too many people have them. If my children want to get into the trades, I'm happy with that. It's not up to me to make them happy, they need to follow their hearts and their heads. With a degree at least they will have something to fall back on.