Originally Posted by no5no5
Yeah, you just need scores in the top 2%, and they don't even have to be IQ scores.
I have an issue with that actually. I just left the national office a msg the other week about how they ought to reconsider taking things like the CogAT since it isn't a controlled test and I've known more than one family who seriously prepped kids for that test either with the help of the school, through tutoring, or through outright cheating by posing as homeschoolers and getting the test online as such and prepping their kid with answers.

OP, I was in Mensa when I was a kid, but it didn't do much for me. I was the only kid in my area, and the adults were generally more on the MG end of the gifted spectrum, so I didn't fit in much better with them than I did with ND folks.
And that, too, has been another reason we haven't seen cause to have dds join. The only events they've attended have been two annual gatherings and they did have fun there but not at the kids trek programming. They actually refused to attend the kid programming after the first one. One of my dds thought that a lot of the other kids at the kid programming were loud, obnoxious, and arrogant. They liked some of the adults, though, and really enjoyed playing Werewolf in the evenings.

The adults I've met locally probably mostly range from MG-HG+. The majority of us who get together monthly for coffee or tea are in the HG range, but not PG (me included). We usually have interesting conversations and similar political beliefs and religious beliefs (or lack thereof).