DS9 has begun 4th grade with renewed hope and plans for a much better year. Since first grade he has had behavioral struggles, largely from lack of challenging work but also (I now understand) due to OEs, particularly psychomotor and imaginational.

In the past, we had various reward systems based on his behavior; this year, I'm not sure it's the right way to go. It seems to me to send this message: "Sure, I'll give you five bucks a week; all you have to do is not be who you are." I know that's not what I want to present, but I don't know what I *do* want to present.

The boy, of course, is asking about rewards and what our "deal" will be this year. I don't know what to tell him. How do I support him and teach him to manage appropriate expression of OEs without making him swallow his soul? What are some ways your OE kids have managed them?