^^ I really dislike that word "gifted", but could not think of anything else to put in the title:-)

Some of you may recall my struggles at the beginning of the school year with science for Ghost. 6th grade science was a joke, as he tested out of it towards the end of 5th grade and was allowed to do little projects throught the year on his own and make presentations to classes. Sounds great, doesn't it, but the truth was that those experiments were a few in between and Ghost spend most of science class on the computer, looking up staff. You can imagine what he was looking up....planes, jokes, games etc. So at the beginning of this school year, 7th grade, I was adamant that he is accelerated. Unfortunately, I did not acomplish much. He is being given some extra worksheets by the science teacher, that she takes from her 8th grade class. Very few worksheets and he has to be really reminded to finish them. He likes his science class , they do tons of experiments, but IT IS GOING WAY TOO SLOWLY. So he reads books, when teacher does not look. I did approach her already during the recent P/T conference, that maybe next year he can take an online class, not every day, but let's say twice a week. She became defensive, saying that she has lot's of extra material that she can give him, and that next year she is not going to be a first year teacher and be much better organized, but if I insist...
She is a good teacher! Ghost likes her. The problem thought is that the majority of the student body does not get the material she is presenting and she has to try many different approaches (like making a model of a living cell from salsa) so the kids will pass the end of level. She just does not have the time to concentrate during class on an excelling student. It has nothing to do with the fact that she is a first year teacher. Ghost on the other hand is not very eager about reminding her about those extra worksheets, because they are boring. The circle is complete! She knows that I am not letting Ghost bring books to school, because her class is one of those that he would be reading in 90% of the time. Well, yesterday he took a book and of course got caught right away. They were supposed to be studying silently for the test, which is today. He claims that he knows the material back and forth, but when she took the book away, he also began to study.
He is plainly capable of much, much more. So I have looked up the physics class throught the BYU independent study program.
It costs $120, looks like it is completely self paced, with a proctored exam at the end . It gives 0.5 credit, and here I am confused. What does the 0.5 point mean?
The direct link to the mentioned class is here:

Your thoughts?