Ok, I'm new to all of this stuff...

A little background - last year DS5 (4 at the time) went to Kinder at a private school b/c he was too young for public school Kinder. I had him tested with the public school district because I thought he had Aspergers or something (I wasn't sure). Turns out he's gifted (and has since been diagnosed with ADHD and ODD by a child psychologist).

Anyways - they're at a charter school this year and I had asked the principal for an IEP and this was her response:
After students are tested, an MDT is held to determine if the child is eligible to receive services. The decision about that is based not only on testing but need for service. As we are committed to "meeting children where they're at" at *school*, many children have their needs met without going through the MDT/IEP process. That being said, we can meet, go over the test results (I think I have a copy of the evaluation) and decide what to do.
So I responded:
So when are students tested? Are they all tested together or something like we did with the school district last December? What is an MDT? Sorry - I'm new with all of this because they went to private school last year where there were no services available. I would love to meet sometime to go over the test results - maybe with his teacher as well? I'd like to see how she thinks he's doing in class also.

So what does this all mean? I've left a message with her office and am waiting to hear back, but I'd like your input?