This thread is fun to read because it makes me think of my younger dd (age 4) about whom I seldom post. I have no idea if she'll be gifted, or at what level. In terms of reading, she is just starting to sound out words. This is something my older dd could do at age two. She only does basic math, using her fingers. But her pre-school teacher described her as, "The most socially gifted child she's ever had." And, like many of your children, she, too, asks very interesting questions.

Sometimes it's very practical things like, "Where does the gasoline go after you put it in the car?" Sometimes it's more complicated, like asking me, "But *why* do you love Daddy?"

She also enjoys talking about the death of a great-grandmother she probably can't even remember.

She'll pop out with some comment like, "I know someone in heaven."

And I'll say, "Who?"

And she'll reply, "You know, that girl who loved Pa-Pa (her great-grandfather)." So sweet...